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Sugi Bee Garden's History

All began with only 3 beehive boxes

Sugi Bee Garden started at 1946, more than 70 years history, in Kumamoto, Kyushu Island.

When Takeo Sugi, the founder, jumped into the world of beekeeping, he began with only 3 beehive boxes.

"The best honey in Japan could be harvested in Kumamoto, where flowers bloom year round due to the warm climate" - Upon having this thought, Takeo Sugi made up his mind to make the best quality honey product which customers would deeply appreciate.

The early considerations of Sugi Bee Garden have continuously been passed down through generations of beekeepers, with Sugi Bee Garden currently producing the most types of honey in Japan. Not only that, but their strong manufacturing beliefs that everything which can be done in-house should be done in-house, still continues to this day.

Honey is extracted between April and August, after any changes in the weather and environment has been assessed, and the most suitable nectar source established. Extraction takes places in Kumamoto, Akita, and Hokkaido.

We also actively pursue the highest quality of honey outside of the extraction season. This is achieved by developing beekeeping activities such as producing new queen bees responsible for the honey produced in the following year. We also aim to grow strong, healthy bees in preparation for the winter season. This involves setting up countermeasures against wasps, and endeavoring to make original nest boxes.

From Kumamoto to the World


Sugi Bee Garden coordinates with beekeepers to promote the development of innovations within the beekeeping industry.

We aim to further heighten the strength of beekeeping by developing beekeeping activities – both domestically and overseas, which will in turn perfect our global perspective and sensibility.

We implement “Wholesome Apiriculture (Apiculture + Agriculture)” on a global scale by collaborating with outstanding beekeepers from across the globe.

We have been to major beekeeping nations such as Canada, France, New Zealand, Australia, and Brazil, to perfect and improve our global standpoint and sensitivity.

While working together with these countries and discussing beekeeping, they came to deeply sympathize with the “Wholesome Apiriculture (Apiculture + Agriculture)” philosophy of Sugi Bee Garden, spreading the desire to seek top quality bees to expand activities.

Such acts are fantastic opportunities to gain a deep global insight about the future of beekeeping methods. It is also an opportunity to attempt unprecedented ideas and creativity.

We believe that true innovation is born through actively dispatching beekeepers overseas, where they can not only learn about global practices, but others can also learn from us.